More dudes showed up today who haven't come since I started keeping track. There have now been 73 different players in the 6 weeks - keeping all their names straight is taxing for a geezer like myself. 28 of the guys have come exactly once.
Here are the W/L records for guys with at least 20 games played...

I keep W/L records for every given set of two players and three players who play together at any time. I don't post those stats a lot because since there are so many combinations, the stats aren't very substantial yet. However I will tell you one arbitrary stat, the trio of Kurt, Shad and Marvena are 8-0 when playing together regardless of who the fourth man in the fire was in those games.
Missed a couple of game results today, but here's the chart of the ones I got...
NBA note - wasn't impressed at all with O.J. Mayo at USC, but holy crap does he have some game. Have seen him play a couple of times this year already (Grizzlies) and the man can hoop. My apologies to him for doubting him. He's better in the NBA than he was in the PAC 10 - go figure.
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