In the first game of the day, my team lost 22-0. And it wasn't that close. BK, Pride, James and Ray Ray were on the winning team. There's no reason to drag my teammates names into it, but it was hideous. The bummer was that I lost a lot of money on the game in Vegas, because I had my team and I was getting 21 points.
Pride and James both went 8-1 yesterday and Zach Jr went 4-0. In all, exactly 24 guys showed up - good thing they were all there at the same time so we could get the three courts going.
Here are all the cumulative results...

Here are the ranked results for guys with 20+ games. James winning % probably surprises no one.

Finally, here is the chart of what days guys show up on. There have been 5 of each Mon, Wed and Fri, and now you can see some patterns for guys. This way, if you care, you can know which guys might show/not show on any give day of the week. I put the guys with the biggest differential at the top of the list. For instance, Joey comes almost every Wed and Fri, but not yet once on Monday. On the other hand, Keith loves Mondays, but that's it. Here you go....

By the way, there is now an "Injured Reserve" list in the right column for guys who are hurt. Let me know if you are out for a while and I'll pop you on it.
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